UPDATE: 6 MARCH 2024 – 16:30
According to the municipality, an electrical cable was damaged while work was being done on a water pipe in the area.
Electricians are working on the issue.
Chris Whittaker
Ward 24
UPDATE: 6 MARCH 2024 – 14:50
Many areas are currently without electricity. Sol Plaatje Municipality are aware of the issue and have sent out electricians to investigate. Ref No: 382113
Based on reports so far, areas that are affected include Hadison Park, Hillcrest, Lindene, Albertynshof, New Park, Carters Glen and possibly other areas too. This is NOT loadshedding, loadshedding is only scheduled from 16:00 today.
PLEASE NOTE: As electricity is off at Newton Reservoir area, this will impact pumping of water from the reservoir and residents fed from the reservoir will experience little to no water pressure.
Info via Social Media.
Shortlink for this post: https://www.kimberley.org.za/?p=37966