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Water Outage 29/05/2016

UPDATE 20:00 – Repairs to the pipeline has been completed and Sol Plaatje Waterworks has started the water restoration process. NOTE: It make take some time for water to reach high areas and areas further away from Newton reservoir.

UPDATE 16:00 Via Johan Smit of the DA

“Die 400mm watertoevoerpyp vanaf Newton Reservoir na die sentrale besigheidsentrum, het ‘n skeur van so 150mm aan die onder kant van die pyp.
Daar is reeds ‘n gat van 350mm X 350mm aan die bokant van die pyp gesny waardeur die skeur aan die onderkant van die pyp herstel gaan word.
Die oponthoud is dat al die water uit die pyp gepomp moet word voordat die bars aan die onderkant deur die gat gesweis kan word.
Die uitpomp van die kilometers water neem tyd.
Hier lê nog ‘n stywe klompie werk voor.
Ek sou sê dat mense met kinders voortydig voorsorg tref vir badtyd vir ingeval die werk langer neem as beplan.
Onthou dat die dorp se waternetwerk tans leeg geloop het deur die dag.
Sodra die werk afgehandel is, word die water stelselmatig in die sisteem vrygelaat om verdere barste te verhoed. Dit kan ook ‘n verder 2 ure of selfs lanfer duur.”

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UPDATE 14:00 – Waterworks are still attending to two burst pipes, and expect restoration to be late this afternoon if repairs go as planned.

Source: Sharon Steyn of NOCCI

09:00 AM – Large parts of Kimberley are experiencing a water outage.  Sol Plaatje Waterworks cut water to these areas to enable teams to attend to a burst on a non isolated pipeline in the CBD.
No estimated time of restoration is currently available.


Sources: Sharon Steyn of NOCCI & The Sol Plaatje Call Centre

14:00 Sharon Steyn ” Just spoken to my contacts there are two pipes burst but they are busy let’s say late afternoon if all goes well.”

09:00  Sharon Steyn “Half the City is off people main line switched off due to burst pipe in CBD. SP is busy”


Aeon Computer Kimberley

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