Planned nightly water shut down from 22:00 until morning starting tonight (30/07/2013) until further notice.
The municipality has just concluded conducting repairs on a major leak on the 600mm rising main pipe-line between Riverton and Kimberley, just next to the turn off to Langley which had to be done since the early hours of the morning. This was compounded by a filter/backwash problems last night and this morning at the Riverton plant. The filter problems has been fixed and three pumps have been running from 12h30 today. We can safely say we running normal at about 1200 litres of water per second. Episode has unfortunately led to an alarming drop of reservoir levels at Newton which is currently at 7.8 ft. This is adequate to supply the high laying suburbs of the city but it will however make good sense to have night shutdowns at Newton to restore the reservoirs levels back to 15.0 ft at least. Notice is therefore given that we will night only shut down Newton from 22h00 until morning , starting from tonight, Tuesday 30 July 2013 until further notice. We expect the build up to last until this weekend and will ensure that our water reticulation network is filled by the time of the morning rush. We could not wait further because the leakage was such that it would lead to millions of litres going to waste, we apologise for the inconvenience to all.
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