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Kimberley Complete Shut Down Strike – 12/07/2018

Date: Thursday, 12 July 2018
Times: The official march is from 09:00 to 12:00

Route: From: Roodepan, Galeshewe, Greenpoint, Colville, Phutanang, Beaconsfield, Club 2000, Homestead, Samaria, De Beers, Floors to Kemo.
Groups meet up at Kemo at 09h00 and proceed down Pniel Road into Cecil Sussman Road then into Phakamile Mabija Street, Sidney Street towards Kim Park Centre / Sidney Street Library.

Groups meet up with those convening at Kim Park in front of the Sidney Street Library.

From their into Eureka Street to Bultfontein Road towards to the Civic Centre.


A word from the organisers:

Just Like the 27th June 2018, the March on Thursday will have:






We wrote to the Municipality on Monday 02 July 2018 as instructed by the Community at the Meeting held at the Open Air Arena on the 1st July, requesting that they respond to the unmet Demands…

1. The Public Relations Company that was hired and allegedly paid R1,2million without following tender processes …for 3 days’ “work” to antagonize the efforts of the community by distributing flyers and lying to the community, telling people the strike was cancelled… The Municipality to date has not done anything about this and it is business as usual .

2. The CFO and MM, Lydia Mahloko and Goolam Akhawaray respectively have not resigned as they presided over the hiring of the PR company, The loss of more that R140Million of the Community’s Money (R103 Million for Electricity and R40 Million for Water) .

>>The Tuckshops continue also to overcharge our People, they continue to Charge the extra R1, R2 or R5 when our People buy electricity even though the Municipality promised to stop this.

We Have No Option But To Go To The Municipality To Make Sure Our Demands Are Met

We will not destroy our City, We will not harm any of the businesses in Our City, We will have No Violence and Will March to The Municipality Peacefully.

We Stand Firm Together.

Tumelo Mosikare
Our Brothers and Sisters, Businesses and Business Owners from Hillcrest, Rhodesdene,Carters Glen, Monument Heights…Belgravia..Klisserville, El Toro Park, New Park, Ashburnham, Kimdustria, De Beers and All Other Suburbs that are in town or on the other side of town
Tomorrow we all as Citizens must leave our comfort zones and not let some people stand up for us while we ‘safely’ look on hoping that all will go well and that it all works out tomorrow.. just as The Price Of Electricity was lowered for All Households and Not Only those who participated in the Peaceful March on the 27th June 2018, we now have a task All Of Us… including YOU… to make sure that we make life better for All Of Us tomorrow…

To get rid of these parasites that have sucked our city, citizens and businesses dry and have no sense of remose for what they have done knowingly or implicitly… that we entrusted them with Making Kimberley a City where we can work and be able to live a reasonable life in accordance with one’s efforts… they have turned it into a business where we have no choice but to beg them even when we pay them to make our City what it should be.. not this hole and sewer filled thing we survive in.

Tomorrow We All Must Rise Up and stop complaining to our neighbours for the same thing they are going through… tomorrow we leave our facebook groups, whatsapp groups and our twitters and PHYSICALLY Join Those Who Are doing something about this mess we have allowed.

Those that stay at home Knowing that there is a Oupa or Ouma who is willing again to Walk From Roodepan and Back to make their voice heard for All of us, those that choose to tweet away or text the problem away tomorrow without and say how we ought to do things or could have done them better… Are not Citizens of Kimberley but are people who complain and are too selfish too cowardly to do something about a thorn in their foot.

We Stand As GIANTS TOGETGER tomorrow…

Are You Really Going to sit at home comfortably while those of less means fight so that your life can be lived and not survived as is currently the case under this dictating heartless Moneycipality ?

Those Coming from the mentioned Areas.. if you are unable to Join the March at Kemo… wait for us at the Kimpark Parking lott with the our Brothers and Sisters from Beaconsfield, Greenpoint and The CBD…

When we arrive at the parking… we will then all Move Peacefully to The Civic.

Forward We Go


COMPLETE SHUT DOWN MARCH Thursday 12 July 2018

After lengthy discussions till late last night with NOCCI and SP Municipality the March will continue in a peaceful manner according to discussions we had. We cannot guarantee anything.

Business cannot say that you must close your shop or not, some businesses have said that they will give their staff off for the period of the march at 12h00 but after that must return to work.


We are also looking at having further discussions with NERSA.

The R260 will not be charged to your accounts.

Please find below the route for the March of tomorrow.

Roodepan group:
Meet at Roodepan Police station
On to Midlands then to Barkly Road
Meet up at Kemo Hotel


Down Nobengula Street into Sechwareng then into Hulana, Street – Royal Street down into Tyson Road then into Galashewe till the Kemo Hotel.

ALL groups leave from the KEMO at 09h00

Down Pniel Road into Cecil Sussman and then into Phakamile Mabija Street.

KIM PARK/NEW PARK group are meeting at the Library in Sydney Street.

From their they will join in with the main group into Eureka Street, into Bultfontein Road to the CIVIC CENTRE

The Memorandum will be handed over at 12h00.

Sharon Steyn
CEO – NOCCI (Northern Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry)


Aeon Computer Kimberley

About Jonathan Dimond


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