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Photo by Ronsard Allen

Boshof Road Veld Fire – 21,22,23/12/2015 15:50

UPDATE 23/12/2105 07:00am

The fire was brought under control late yesterday afternoon, but has flared up again in the koppies near Tarentaalrand early this morning.

“HULP WORD GEKORT!!!! 22/12/2015

“Die brand op Boshof pad is buite beheer!
Enige iemand wat weet van mense met firefighters of waterlorries, maak ASB met ons kontak!
Die wind is erg en ruk die vlamme oral rond!
Daar is reeds klomp van gemeenskap buite om te probeer help, maar hulp bronne word benodig!”

The veld fire on the Boshof road is out of control.
Anyone with access to fire fighting equipment or water trucks please contact Linja.
There are already volunteers helping but equipment is needed urgently”

Via Linja Van Wyk

WhatsApp: +27 72 011 2335
Or Inbox: https://www.facebook.com/linja.vanwyk

Photos by Graig van Rensburg, Kobus van der Berg and Magda Donald

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