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Watch 5 Videos on the Kimberley Water Shutdown 20-21 DEC 2018

WATCH: Tumelo Mosikare of the Sol Plaatje Community Forum went out to Riverton with Sello Matsie of Sol Plaatje Municipality to gather information about the upcoming water Shutdown.

Kimberley Water Shutdown 20181218 VIDEO 1 With Sello Matsie

By Tumelo Mosikare of Sol Plaatje Community Forum: On the Water Cut happening on Thursday, this is the information we were able to gather today and on the whatsapp groups questions were sent to ask Mr. Sello Matsie of the cause of the Cut plus the Jojo tanks…

We went to Riverton Water purification plant and to the leaks behind 3 SAI Military base where there are two leaks on the main pipe, and behind Sunset Manor, where there is one leak.


Kimberley Water Shutdown 20181218 VIDEO 2 At Riverton Water Purification Plant

By Tumelo Mosikare of Sol Plaatje Community Forum: At Riverton Water Purification Plant

On the Water Cut happening on Thursday, this is the information we were able to gather today and on the whatsapp groups questions were sent to ask Mr. Sello Matsie of the cause of the Cut plus the Jojo tanks…

We went to Riverton Water purification plant and to the leaks behind 3 SAI Military base where there are two leaks on the main pipe, and behind Sunset Manor, where there is one leak.


Kimberley Water Shutdown 20181220 VIDEO 3 – Behind 3SAI Military Base

By Tumelo Mosikare of Sol Plaatje Community Forum: One of the leak in the veld behind 3SAI Military Base

On the Water Cut happening on Thursday, this is the information we were able to gather today and on the whatsapp groups questions were sent to ask Mr. Sello Matsie of the cause of the Cut plus the Jojo tanks…

We went to Riverton Water purification plant and to the leaks behind 3 SAI Military base where there are two leaks on the main pipe, and behind Sunset Manor, where there is one leak.

Kimberley Water Shutdown 20181220 VIDEO 4 Replacing the old pipe?

By Tumelo Mosikare of Sol Plaatje Community Forum: Replacing the old pipe?

On the Water Cut happening on Thursday, this is the information we were able to gather today and on the whatsapp groups questions were sent to ask Mr. Sello Matsie of the cause of the Cut plus the Jojo tanks…

We went to Riverton Water purification plant and to the leaks behind 3 SAI Military base where there are two leaks on the main pipe, and behind Sunset Manor, where there is one leak.

Kimberley Water Shutdown 20181220 VIDEO 5 The Valve

By Tumelo Mosikare of Sol Plaatje Community Forum: The Valve

On the Water Cut happening on Thursday, this is the information we were able to gather today and on the whatsapp groups questions were sent to ask Mr. Sello Matsie of the cause of the Cut plus the Jojo tanks…

We went to Riverton Water purification plant and to the leaks behind 3 SAI Military base where there are two leaks on the main pipe, and behind Sunset Manor, where there is one leak.


Aeon Computer Kimberley

About James Gird


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