24 June 1901, Cecil Rhodes pays his last visit to the town where he made his fortune. Cecil Rhodes’ last visit to Kimberley Cecil Rhodes’ last visit to Kimberley was when passing through from Bulawayo to Cape Town, his special ...
5 June 1902, Death of Johnnie Grimmer at Caledon. 5 June 2003, Oldest surviving SA Currie Cup cricketer Jack Frank dies. Pictured in the veld, from the left: Cecil Rhodes, Tony de la Cruz, and Johnnie Grimmer. The life and ...
UPDATED: 09/05/2024 9 May 1890, The first camera club in SA is established in Kimberley with eighteen members. 9 May 1962, De Beers Sea Scout Brian Freeman awarded Boy Scout Association Meritorious Award for rescuing a woman in distress in the ...