Update 05:00 14/11/2014: Only two of the 3 main water distribution pipelines at Newton was replaced yesterday. These are the two lines which was in the worse condition and caused the majority of problems.
Update 19:45 13/11/2014: Water is systematically being let back into the system. Pressure should start to return to normal in the next 1 to 2 hours.
Update 18:00 13/11/2014: Water is expected to be let back into the system after 19:00. NOTE: After this it can take quite some time for pressure to build up in the water network.
Update 13:30 13/11/2014 from Sol Plaatje Municipality: The Newton reservoir has performed an emergency shutdown of three of the feeding pipes to the city due to maintenance of pipes that need to be refurbished, Mr Henry Harding reported that all necessary equipment have arrived and we are currently excavating and replacing all the old pipes on the reservoir that feed water to Hadison Park, Royldene, Newpark, CBD and all Eastern suburbs are areas affected. Mr Henry Harding further explained that they are working tirelessly to complete this operation as soon as possible, so water supply can be restored, as soon as all pipes are replaced we will resume with a systematic restart of the supply while monitoring pressure to alleviate any intense pressure build up that could cause additional burst pipes. Water interruption is expected to last throughout the rest of today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Update 12:30 13/11/2014: Work at Newton Reservoir is currently going to schedule. If no unforeseen problems arise water should be back up between 17:00 and 20:00 tonight.
Update 09:55 13/11/2014: Sol Plaatje Waterworks will attempted to replace the remaining old pipes with new PVC pipes today. This should resolve the currently problem of frequent pipe bursts at Newtwon affecting Kimberley’s water supply. Info via Johan Smit.
Update 08:10 13/11/2014: Emergency Shut-down at Newton Reservoir for burst pipe repairs. Large parts of Kimberley will be without water. Via Sharon Steyn from NOCCI.
Update 08:00 13/11/2014: Water is gushing form Newton Reservoir again, and has been reported by Sharon Steyn from NOCCI.
Update 17:30 12/11/2014: seems like the attempt to repair the pipeline while under pressure failed. Certain areas are without water at the moment.
Update 16:30 12/11/2014 via Johan Smit
Waterworks Department is trying to repair a leak, without cutting the water in, one of the main pipelines at Newton Reservoir. This is a new leak on the same pipeline which gave problems yesterday.
NextGEN gallery is not installed/inactive!
Update:: 11/11/2014 17:00. Another pipe burst at Newton Reservoir. No water and very low pressure in several suburbs.
Update 06/11/2014
Water is currently running down waterworks street due to maintenance on an onsite pipeline.
NextGEN gallery is not installed/inactive!
Update 20/9/2014 13:00
We understand that the material for the replacement of the 180 meters of pipeline has arrived, but Sol Plaatje Municipality will only do the work during the next week.
No information is currently forthcoming directly from the municipality.
Information via Sharon Steyn & Johan Smith.
Although the last information form the Municipality was that the repairs will be done this weekend, the gates to Newton Reservoir is locked, and no work seem be in progress.
Notice from Sol Plaatje Municipality:
Kindly be notified that temporary repairs are being conducted on the 300 cm pipeline inside the Newton Reservoir that is currently leaking.
The pipe has been leaking for some time now but a replacement pipe of 180 meters in length will be on site this weekend.
As to the process of installing it, further communication will be provided regarding time, duration, and when that will take place.
It is anticipated that such will be done asap
Sello Matsie
Communications Manger
Sol Plaatje Municipality.
Updates will be posted to https://www.kimberley.org.za/tag/kimberley-water-crisis/ when available
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