To join your local neighbourhood watch inbox you name, surname, address and cell number to one of the area admins below or submit your details here. Om by jou plaaslike buurtwag aan te sluit, inbox jou naam, van, adres en ...
As part of the EFF’s World Aids Day activities on 1 December 2015, the EFF CIC, Julius Malema and EFF Deputy President, Floyd Shivambu, visited the Helen Bishop Orthopaedic Aftercare and Rehabilitation Centre. Goods valued at over R200 000 was donated ...
Die week het Kimberliete die ergste droogte ooit in jare beleef maar nes met laasjaar se vloed het verskillende individue en groepe in hulle persoonlike kapasiteit uitgereik na mekaar om ‘n helpende hand te leen. Daar is talle stories van ...
Individuals who can assist with snakebite emergencies via telephone and individuals who provides snake & lizard removal / capture services are listed below. When you encounter a snake Walk away and leave the snake alone. The snake is most probably ...
Please enter your details below to submit a request to join the Saam Staan Kimberley WhatsApp Groups for your area. NOTE: Saam Staan Kimberley will add members to groups at their own discretion and only after confirmation that all information ...
Please take the time to submit local crime information and help support the effort to combat crime in Kimberley. Information entered here will be kept strictly confidential. Only statistical data, stripped of all user identifiable information may be published in a ...